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Timberdoodle Co tries to provide as many samples and links to free samples as possible. We know that all autistic children are unique and therefore what works with one may not with another. Some freebies require a purchase (to cover shipping). Other items are available as free downloads. Please contact us with any questions.
This massive, 136 page manual covers the basics of VBA in a practical and helpful manner. This is a wonderful free resource!
Yes, this document is replete with typos, however it is a relatively short (38 pages) manual on the nitty-gritty details of how to teach pivotal behaviors to children with autism. One of the most helpful links we have found for getting started, it is extremely readable and easy to understand.



Featured free items:
Rosetta Stone Demo is available as a download here or free with any order from

PDF Downloads
Download generous portions from the must-read book "Educate Toward Recovery" by Robert Schramm MA, BCBA
-Motivation and Reinforcement
-Seven Steps to Earning Instructional Control with your Child
-What is RDI and how does it compare to Applied Behavior Analysis and Verbal Behavior